Membership / Joining BWA

thumbnail image of BWA Member Brochure cover
membership brochure

Membership in the Buddhist Women’s Association begins at the temple level.

When you join your local temple’s BWA, you become part of a worldwide network of Jodo Shinshu Buddhist women enjoying fellowship, serving their temples and communities, and sharing the dharma.

If you are not already connected to a temple, here are a couple of resources to help you find one:

  • The BWA Districts menu (see purple menu bar at the top of the page) provides access to temple contact information and a listing of officers for the five Uniteds (district-level BWA organizations).
  • The Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii website includes a Temple Locator that provides a map and text-based directories of the over 30 Jodo Shinshu temples in Hawaii.

Joining a temple BWA provides opportunities to participate not only at the unit level, but also at the district, federation, and worldwide levels.

Welcome to a 100+ year tradition in Hawaii!