14th BWA Hawaii State Membership Conference Coming Soon

Please join us when Maui United BWA hosts the State Conference on April 23-24, 2022 at Wailuku Hongwanji with hotel accommodations at Maui Beach.  The theme is “Building Healthy Sanghas—Connecting with Others.”  Two keynote speakers will be featured:   Deidre Tegarden, Maui, “Connecting with Others” and Janet Umezu, California, “Diversity and Acceptance.”  The business meeting will Read More

Please join us when Maui United BWA hosts the State Conference on April 23-24, 2022 at Wailuku Hongwanji with hotel accommodations at Maui Beach.  The theme is “Building Healthy Sanghas—Connecting with Others.”  Two keynote speakers will be featured:   Deidre Tegarden, Maui, “Connecting with Others” and Janet Umezu, California, “Diversity and Acceptance.”  The business meeting will be conducted by the Hawaii Federation of BWAs president in preparation for the 17th World Buddhist Women’s Convention to be held in Kyoto, Japan on May 11-12, 2023.

BWA2022 Conf Reg Form VIRTUAL Attendance deadline 2022.01.31

NOTE:  As of January 9, 2022, the Maui committee formally adopted a change in the format of the 2022 Membership Conference.  The conference will be in virtual format only, via Zoom.  The registration cost is $100 per person.  If you have not previously registered, please use the form above with a deadline of January 31, 2022.  If you have already registered, you do not need to do more.

Deadline for requesting a refund of prepaid Maui Beach Hotel reservation is January 23, 2022.  If you need additional information, please contact Sharon Nohara at sharon.nohara@gmail.com.


Updated Info on Hybrid Format by Chair Janet Shimada 11-29-2021

Flyer#5 BWA 2022 HYBRID Conf rev. 2021.11.29
Announcing Hybrid Conference Format; New Registration Costs; Link to Conference Registration Forms

Conference Registration (newly added 11/28/21)  Do not use old registration form.

There are TWO separate fillable .pdf registration forms.  They can be filled out while on the computer in Adobe Acrobat.

In-person attendance is $150 per person.  Please click here for the registration form.

Virtual attendance via Zoom is $100 per person.  Please click here for the registration form.

Temple/Unit contact should submit form and payment by Jan. 7, 2022, per instructions on forms.  Please send “cc” to your United President.

Schedule, Workshops and Speakers (Flyer #3)

Friday is an optional day.

Saturday’s Welcome Opening scheduled for 9:30am  (make plane arrangements accordingly)

Workshop information will be shared at a later date.

United Presidents sign up for Pop-Up Sales Tables by Nov. 5, 2021.

Maui Beach Hotel Reservation Form (REVISED as of June 24, 2021)

This is a fillable .pdf version.  It can be filled out while on the computer in Adobe Acrobat.

The primary person should submit one form and deposit directly to Hotel by Oct. 23, 2021. (Cheryl Di Cenzo, Sales Manager)

Maui Beach Hotel Booking Info as of June 28, 2021
New (as of 6/28/21): Summary of Room Costs & Deposit (click here)

See shuttle service information between Kahului Airport, Maui Beach Hotel and Wailuku Hongwanji

Updated Schedule and reminders (Flyer #4 dated July 2021)

Tentative schedule with approximate times listed

Pop-Up Store hours:  Saturday (8-9am) (5pm); Sunday (7:45-8:30am)

Continental Breakfast offered on Saturday and Sunday with Mini Bento to Go on Sunday

Workshop selection will be emailed to conference registrants later.

Aloha Reunion Tea (BWA Student Exchange Alumnae)

At the 3rd World Buddhist Women’s Convention in Honolulu, Hawaii in June 1967, a resolution to adopt the Student Exchange program was passed.  In 1971 the first two young women, Jan Aratani and Gail Mamura were sponsored by the Hawaii Federation of BWAs and selected to go to Japan .  Since then until 2019, 42 others have traveled to Japan.  The most recent young women were Chloe Oshiro of Mililani Hongwanji and Katelyn Otani of Pearl City Hongwanji.  Their reflections can be found in the most recent HI Federation Newsletter Fall 2019.

On Saturday, March 7, 2020 at Jikoen Hongwanji an Aloha Reunion Tea” is being planned from 1:00 – 3:00.  It will be a time to reconnect with these young women.  We’ll have tea and signature goodies from each island. (event follows the Spring Rep Mtg.).  It’ll be a wonderful talk story time, since some of them might be traveling from places beyond Honolulu, Hawaii where they are now working or residing.

Assisting President Lois Toyama are Irene Nakamoto, Barbara Brennan, Caroline Otani (Class of ’87), Wendie Yumori and Carol Valentine.

Susan Kakuda (Class of ’93) first row (left)            Katelyn Ohtani and Chloe Oshiro (Class of 2019)

Early Notice: The 17th World Buddhist Women’s Convention — Kyoto, May 2023

The 17th World Buddhist Women’s Convention will be held in Kyoto, Japan in May 11-12, 2023.

The event will coincide with celebrations of the 850th birthday of Shinran Shonin and the 800th anniversary of the Hongwanji.

Pictured: Passing the flag at the 16th World Buddhist Women’s Convention in San Francisco, CA.

Eshin-ni and Kakushin-ni Chair for Jodo Shinshu Studies

A primary purpose of the BWA is to support the propagation of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism throughout the world.  To implement this purpose, our  World Federation of BWAs is proposing to establish a Jodo Shinshu teaching position at the BCA’s Institute of Buddhist Studies in Berkely, California.  IBS has been vital in spreading Jodo Shinshu not only in the Americas (North and South), but also in Hawaii, Canada, Europe, and Japan, etc.

The GOAL is to raise three (3) million dollars with the interest earned yearly to be used to fund the teaching position of an instructor.  This position will be named for two individuals close to our hearts – The Eshin-ni and Kakushin-ni Endowed Chair for Jodo Shinshu Studies.

Each Jodo Shinshu Buddhist temple worldwide is being asked to support this project and the Hawaii Federation of BWAs is in favor of it.  Each temple’s goal is approximately $300.   The BWAs in Hawaii will spearhead this fundraising effort with all donations earmarked as coming from the entire temple membership.  Deadline is December 31, 2018.

Thanks to the hard work of many individuals, we have met Hawaii’s goal of $11,000.  As of January 15, 2019, we have raised $14,631 from 21 Temple and BWA groups.  Additional thanks goes to the Dharma School Teachers of Oahu and the Hawaii District Ministers Association.  If your temple/BWA missed the deadline and would still like to participate in this worthwhile project, contact your United BWA President for more information.

framed images of Kakushinni, left, and Eshinni, right, before the altar at Hawaii Betsuin
Images of Kakushinni, left, and Eshinni, right, at Hawaii Betsuin.

Make plans now for the HHMH Joint Conference (Sept. 2018) and BWA World Convention (2019)

We want to make sure you aware of these two significant opportunities to connect with extended Jodo Shinshu sangha.

HHMH Joint Conference

One is the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii’s first Joint Conference at the Ala Moana hotel in Honolulu from September 1 – 3, 2018. The conference will include the Lay Convention, the BWA Convention, the Minister’s Spouses’ organization, Jr. YBA, and Dharma School. Groups will hold their major conferences, and workshops will be open to everyone.

The theme of the conference is “Embrace Change – Harmony (Accept Differences)” and our keynote speaker will be Hawaii Attorney General Doug Chin, a national leader in the fight for civil rights. For more information, including registration details, please see our Joint Conference event page.

BWA World Convention

The 2019 World Federation Jodo Shinshu Hongwaji-ha Buddhist Women’s Associations Convention will take place Labor Day weekend, 2019 (August 30 – September 1, 2019) at the San Francisco Marriott Marquis Hotel. The theme is “Live the Nembutsu.” For more information, including an overview letter and a video, please see wbwconvention.org. We’ll also post more to our event page for the convention as the date gets closer.


Hawaii Buddhist Women’s Associations has a new Facebook page.  Look for it on our website’s homepage.  Click the “f” icon in the upper right portion of the screen.  We welcome current articles, photos, news, events.  Send information to the following for posting:  Federation (Tamayo Matsumoto, Lois Toyama); Honolulu United (Lois Toyama); Kauai United (Rev. Tomo Hojo); Big Island United (K.T. Cannon-Eger)