Please join us when Maui United BWA hosts the State Conference on April 23-24, 2022 at Wailuku Hongwanji with hotel accommodations at Maui Beach. The theme is “Building Healthy Sanghas—Connecting with Others.” Two keynote speakers will be featured: Deidre Tegarden, Maui, “Connecting with Others” and Janet Umezu, California, “Diversity and Acceptance.” The business meeting will Read More
Please join us when Maui United BWA hosts the State Conference on April 23-24, 2022 at Wailuku Hongwanji with hotel accommodations at Maui Beach. The theme is “Building Healthy Sanghas—Connecting with Others.” Two keynote speakers will be featured: Deidre Tegarden, Maui, “Connecting with Others” and Janet Umezu, California, “Diversity and Acceptance.” The business meeting will be conducted by the Hawaii Federation of BWAs president in preparation for the 17th World Buddhist Women’s Convention to be held in Kyoto, Japan on May 11-12, 2023.
BWA2022 Conf Reg Form VIRTUAL Attendance deadline 2022.01.31
NOTE: As of January 9, 2022, the Maui committee formally adopted a change in the format of the 2022 Membership Conference. The conference will be in virtual format only, via Zoom. The registration cost is $100 per person. If you have not previously registered, please use the form above with a deadline of January 31, 2022. If you have already registered, you do not need to do more.
Deadline for requesting a refund of prepaid Maui Beach Hotel reservation is January 23, 2022. If you need additional information, please contact Sharon Nohara at
Updated Info on Hybrid Format by Chair Janet Shimada 11-29-2021
Flyer#5 BWA 2022 HYBRID Conf rev. 2021.11.29
Announcing Hybrid Conference Format; New Registration Costs; Link to Conference Registration Forms
Conference Registration (newly added 11/28/21) Do not use old registration form.
There are TWO separate fillable .pdf registration forms. They can be filled out while on the computer in Adobe Acrobat.
In-person attendance is $150 per person. Please click here for the registration form.
Virtual attendance via Zoom is $100 per person. Please click here for the registration form.
Temple/Unit contact should submit form and payment by Jan. 7, 2022, per instructions on forms. Please send “cc” to your United President.
Schedule, Workshops and Speakers (Flyer #3)
Friday is an optional day.
Saturday’s Welcome Opening scheduled for 9:30am (make plane arrangements accordingly)
Workshop information will be shared at a later date.
United Presidents sign up for Pop-Up Sales Tables by Nov. 5, 2021.
Maui Beach Hotel Reservation Form (REVISED as of June 24, 2021)
This is a fillable .pdf version. It can be filled out while on the computer in Adobe Acrobat.
The primary person should submit one form and deposit directly to Hotel by Oct. 23, 2021. (Cheryl Di Cenzo, Sales Manager)
Maui Beach Hotel Booking Info as of June 28, 2021
New (as of 6/28/21): Summary of Room Costs & Deposit (click here)
See shuttle service information between Kahului Airport, Maui Beach Hotel and Wailuku Hongwanji
Updated Schedule and reminders (Flyer #4 dated July 2021)
Tentative schedule with approximate times listed
Pop-Up Store hours: Saturday (8-9am) (5pm); Sunday (7:45-8:30am)
Continental Breakfast offered on Saturday and Sunday with Mini Bento to Go on Sunday
Workshop selection will be emailed to conference registrants later.