Featured News

14th BWA Hawaii State Membership Conference Coming Soon

Please join us when Maui United BWA hosts the State Conference on April 23-24, 2022 at Wailuku Hongwanji with hotel accommodations at Maui Beach.  The theme is “Building Healthy Sanghas—Connecting with Others.”  Two keynote speakers will be featured:   Deidre Tegarden, Maui, “Connecting with Others” and Janet Umezu, California, “Diversity and Acceptance.”  The business meeting will Read More

Please join us when Maui United BWA hosts the State Conference on April 23-24, 2022 at Wailuku Hongwanji with hotel accommodations at Maui Beach.  The theme is “Building Healthy Sanghas—Connecting with Others.”  Two keynote speakers will be featured:   Deidre Tegarden, Maui, “Connecting with Others” and Janet Umezu, California, “Diversity and Acceptance.”  The business meeting will be conducted by the Hawaii Federation of BWAs president in preparation for the 17th World Buddhist Women’s Convention to be held in Kyoto, Japan on May 11-12, 2023.

BWA2022 Conf Reg Form VIRTUAL Attendance deadline 2022.01.31

NOTE:  As of January 9, 2022, the Maui committee formally adopted a change in the format of the 2022 Membership Conference.  The conference will be in virtual format only, via Zoom.  The registration cost is $100 per person.  If you have not previously registered, please use the form above with a deadline of January 31, 2022.  If you have already registered, you do not need to do more.

Deadline for requesting a refund of prepaid Maui Beach Hotel reservation is January 23, 2022.  If you need additional information, please contact Sharon Nohara at sharon.nohara@gmail.com.


Updated Info on Hybrid Format by Chair Janet Shimada 11-29-2021

Flyer#5 BWA 2022 HYBRID Conf rev. 2021.11.29
Announcing Hybrid Conference Format; New Registration Costs; Link to Conference Registration Forms

Conference Registration (newly added 11/28/21)  Do not use old registration form.

There are TWO separate fillable .pdf registration forms.  They can be filled out while on the computer in Adobe Acrobat.

In-person attendance is $150 per person.  Please click here for the registration form.

Virtual attendance via Zoom is $100 per person.  Please click here for the registration form.

Temple/Unit contact should submit form and payment by Jan. 7, 2022, per instructions on forms.  Please send “cc” to your United President.

Schedule, Workshops and Speakers (Flyer #3)

Friday is an optional day.

Saturday’s Welcome Opening scheduled for 9:30am  (make plane arrangements accordingly)

Workshop information will be shared at a later date.

United Presidents sign up for Pop-Up Sales Tables by Nov. 5, 2021.

Maui Beach Hotel Reservation Form (REVISED as of June 24, 2021)

This is a fillable .pdf version.  It can be filled out while on the computer in Adobe Acrobat.

The primary person should submit one form and deposit directly to Hotel by Oct. 23, 2021. (Cheryl Di Cenzo, Sales Manager)

Maui Beach Hotel Booking Info as of June 28, 2021
New (as of 6/28/21): Summary of Room Costs & Deposit (click here)

See shuttle service information between Kahului Airport, Maui Beach Hotel and Wailuku Hongwanji

Updated Schedule and reminders (Flyer #4 dated July 2021)

Tentative schedule with approximate times listed

Pop-Up Store hours:  Saturday (8-9am) (5pm); Sunday (7:45-8:30am)

Continental Breakfast offered on Saturday and Sunday with Mini Bento to Go on Sunday

Workshop selection will be emailed to conference registrants later.

Buddhists Remember Martin Luther King, Jr. (video)

The Hawaii Federation of BWAs along with other Buddhist groups like the Pacific Buddhist Academy has participated in the MLK, Jr. March in Waikiki for the past few years.  This year, we have chosen to create a video showing some similarities between Dr. King’s teachings and Buddhist beliefs including clippings of our participation in Waikiki and on Maui.  We are grateful to the committee members including Rev. Blayne Higa, Dave Atcheson, Sharon Nohara, Carol Valentine, Jennifer Taira of Ohana Arts and Lois Toyama.  Please join us on Sunday, January 17, 2021 at 11:00am at this link: honpahi.link/youtube

“Interconnectedness in a time of social distancing,” a message from HFBWA President Lois Toyama

March 16, 2020

Lois Toyama reaches out to a tree at the beach
Lois Toyama, President of the Hawaii Federation of Buddhist Women’s Associations

Aloha Dharma Friends,

The Hongwanji and the Buddhist Women’s Associations provide social connections to so many people. Because of the coronavirus, most temples and all of their activities will be closed for an extended period of time. It’s a frightening time when we are worried for ourselves, our friends, and our families. I feel very nervous and off-balance myself. At the time when we most need it, our usual ways of connecting are curtailed.

This is a time when the BWA Units and Uniteds can reach out in supportive ways to help our members. As our pledge says, “Following the teaching of ‘One World,’ I will spread the circle of Dharma friends.”

Some things we can do:

  • Write physical letters to members. Fun cards.
  • See if anyone needs support with groceries.
  • Make phone calls, especially to those who live alone.
  • Email and text those who have cell phones and internet.

Take care of yourself. If you usually exercise and don’t want to go to the gym, fitnessblender.com offers over 600 free workouts ranging from 5 minutes to an hour, and including stretching, yoga, aerobics, and strength training.

Twelve world-famous museums are offering free tours online, and the Met is streaming operas… a good chance for us to try something new!

Many temples are going to live stream their services during this time period. Headquarters is looking at this option, so stay tuned. The Buddhist Church of San Francisco has their services online.

Some of you may have to watch your grandchildren during this time of school closures. There are so many creative opportunities coming up online… free art lessons, actors reading children’s books, the Cleveland Zoo having a daily show about an animal with follow-up activities. If you want links to any of these, please let me know.

You always work so hard. This is a time to rest and care for yourself. If you have other suggestions, please share them.

In gassho,

Aloha Reunion Tea (BWA Student Exchange Alumnae)

At the 3rd World Buddhist Women’s Convention in Honolulu, Hawaii in June 1967, a resolution to adopt the Student Exchange program was passed.  In 1971 the first two young women, Jan Aratani and Gail Mamura were sponsored by the Hawaii Federation of BWAs and selected to go to Japan .  Since then until 2019, 42 others have traveled to Japan.  The most recent young women were Chloe Oshiro of Mililani Hongwanji and Katelyn Otani of Pearl City Hongwanji.  Their reflections can be found in the most recent HI Federation Newsletter Fall 2019.

On Saturday, March 7, 2020 at Jikoen Hongwanji an Aloha Reunion Tea” is being planned from 1:00 – 3:00.  It will be a time to reconnect with these young women.  We’ll have tea and signature goodies from each island. (event follows the Spring Rep Mtg.).  It’ll be a wonderful talk story time, since some of them might be traveling from places beyond Honolulu, Hawaii where they are now working or residing.

Assisting President Lois Toyama are Irene Nakamoto, Barbara Brennan, Caroline Otani (Class of ’87), Wendie Yumori and Carol Valentine.

Susan Kakuda (Class of ’93) first row (left)            Katelyn Ohtani and Chloe Oshiro (Class of 2019)

Early Notice: The 17th World Buddhist Women’s Convention — Kyoto, May 2023

The 17th World Buddhist Women’s Convention will be held in Kyoto, Japan in May 11-12, 2023.

The event will coincide with celebrations of the 850th birthday of Shinran Shonin and the 800th anniversary of the Hongwanji.

Pictured: Passing the flag at the 16th World Buddhist Women’s Convention in San Francisco, CA.

Read Carol Valentine’s “Live the Nembutsu” Talk at the 16th World Buddhist Women’s Convention

Talk for BWA World Convention
Panel, “Live the Nembutsu”
Carol Valentine, Hawaii
September 1, 2019

Carol Valentine, smiling with montoshikisho and rice paper screen background
Carol Valentine was the Hawaii overseas district panelist for a “Live the Nembutsu” panel at the 16th World Buddhist Women’s Convention in San Francisco.

Good morning everyone. A special greeting to our honored guests, His Eminence Gomonshu Kojun Ohtani and Lady Ohtani, Bishop Umezu, Bishop Matsumoto, Bishop Aoki and Bishop Kajiwara. A special thank you to the BWA presidents and members who have traveled far to attend this wonderful convention.

My instructions were to reflect and share how I live the Nembutsu.  I asked myself “Why did they choose me?” My first response was that it makes sense since I talk a lot.  My second response was “But I really am imperfect, surely not the one to be a model for others.” Then I realized that is just right. I am a foolish being so I can speak from the experience of foolishness. I am a work in progress.

Then the difficult part started –working on my talk. As I have read, “We can enjoy Nembutsu, anytime and anywhere in our daily living. Let us listen to the Dharma so that we can live a full life in Nembutsu.”  The Nembutsu should reflect real life, our everyday lives, which to me is “Living the Dharma.”  After all, Buddhism is not in a book; we are living it as fellow travelers along life’s path.  Yes, we are embraced by the Nembutsu, but we also have an obligation to our fellow travelers.

As I started to put my thoughts together I thought of something one of the former presidents of the United States, the late George H.W. Bush, shared in an interview when asked about a plaque he always had on his desk. I am going to paraphrase what was written, which is that we should share the Dharma every day and use words when necessary.  Those few words are powerful and seemed to me to be so very appropriate for my talk.

As the theme of our convention says, we need to Live the Nembutsu, Live the Dharma. How many times have we heard those words “Live the Dharma?”  But what do those words really mean; what do those words actually say to us?  Are they only words we say? What does it mean we do?  How do we show our beautiful faith to others in a way they will understand, especially those who may know nothing of who we are as Jodo Shinshu followers?

Rev. Dr. Mark Unno has visited Kauai and I remember his words, “Don’t just recite the details, live the concepts.”  He also said, “The real teaching is the living Dharma; small gestures with sincerity, humility and generosity.” To say it simply, it is not only about “talking the talk” but also about “walking the walk.” I believe that our practice is not just something we do; it should also be who we are.

There are so many teachings that it can almost be overwhelming. To simplify the task, I asked myself “How do we show the Dharma in our lives?”  With apologies to the ministers, I believe that “Living the Dharma” is not about being the best we can be at chanting or doing gassho perfectly. It is not about how well we sing or offer incense.  It must go beyond rituals, beyond Sunday service and be a part of our lives every single day, to include how we treat others and how we handle adversity whether we are with our sangha on a Sunday, with strangers on a Wednesday or with our families every day. We should be a living breathing advertisement for Buddhism every moment of our lives.  Others may not know we are Buddhists, but they will know we cared. 

In striving to “Live the Dharma” and to simplify the task, I like to think of four qualities I think are important to practice as a Buddhist. I know that I fall short, usually on a daily basis since I am a foolish being. But then, I am not a monk and I cannot practice in isolation. I must live within this life I am given with all of its stresses, decisions, disappointments, obstacles and of course, joy. 

Those four qualities are Gratitude, Kindness, Compassion and Interdependence. Let me elaborate on each one and the simple notions I try to incorporate into my life.


  • We know what gratitude is but often in our busy and hectic lives, we forget to practice gratitude, forget to say a simple “thank you.”  So, say “thank you” every day. It’s really that simple. Say thank you even to those who are doing their job. Remember to thank the wait staff in the restaurant, the store clerk, the gate agent at the airport, the pharmacist, the barista at Starbucks. You know what I am saying. Gratitude is showing kindness.
  • Remember to also say “please” because it shows our gratitude to those we are asking for help.
  • We can, and should be, grateful every day.  Need some ideas?  Feel grateful for:
    • Your first cup of coffee in the morning.
    • Finding your car keys.
    • Laughter.
    • Having a place to live.
    • Electricity.
    • Your family, even though they may no longer be with you.
  • By the way, science has found that grateful people are happier, less depressed, less stressed, and more satisfied with their lives and social relationships. Doesn’t that sound nice?


To me, kindness means to do the right thing, just to do the right thing, without promise of a reward.

  • Ideas for kindness:
  • Don’t gossip. Remember that gossip is like slicing open a feather pillow in the wind. There is no way to take back all of the feathers you have set loose.
  • Hold a door for the person behind you; hold a hand if someone needs help.
  • Choose your words carefully. Use kind and gentle words as the “Golden Chain” reminds us.
  • Smile. You may be the first smile someone has seen all day.
  • Apologize when appropriate.
  • Give a sincere compliment to someone you know or even to someone you don’t know. Like the shoes of the person behind you? Tell them that.  

Let me share a personal story to highlight the importance of gratitude and kindness. In my life as an educator I worked with many challenging students, especially in middle school. One such student came back to me two years after being in my class. He apologized to me for how he had behaved in my class and thanked me for helping him learn. He touched my heart and I have never forgotten the gift his words gave to me more than twenty years ago.


One definition of compassion is this one: “The feeling that arises when you are confronted with another’s suffering and feel motivated to relieve that suffering.”  If we can help others, then we should. After all, didn’t Buddha want to help alleviate suffering?

  • Compassion helps us to focus on others to create a greater feeling of interdependence with all around us.
  • Need ideas for practicing compassion?
    • Listen more than you talk; listen with your ears and with your heart. Sometimes listening is all that is needed.
    • Lose the need to be right; let go of control. Choose to be kind over being right.
    • Make people feel comfortable if they ask for help.
    • It is ok to disagree with others or tell them “No.”  Just do it with compassion. 

Good news, compassion acts like preventative medicine for many of our afflictions. The greater our compassion, the more peace we will experience.


This concept may be the most difficult because it seems like such a large, global notion. If we break it down into smaller units, it becomes more manageable.

  • Let me use a quote from Rev. Koshin Ogui, former Bishop of BCA. “I realize my life is possible only because of others’ sacrifices, thoughtfulness and patience.  What I can do for others in return is my good question.” That is interdependence; others help us so we help others. Like the phrase says, “Pay it forward.”
  • We no longer live in a world where we depend only on ourselves. Everything we touch was touched by many other hands before we had a chance to receive it.  Silently thank the hundreds of people who make your life possible.
  • Ideas?  Here are a few:
    • Recycle, every chance you get.
    • Clean up your own mess; throw away your own trash.
    • Share an umbrella with someone else when it is raining.
    • Admit when you are wrong.
    • Share that last cookie.

As we know, nothing exists in isolation.  This talk is a perfect example. I have used the words of many others who say so eloquently what I think and feel. Without the words of others, I would not have been able to create my talk.  To those whose words I have used and not named, including Gomonshu Sama, Bishop Eric Matsumoto, Rev. Mieko Majima and Pieper Toyama, thank you. And from my home temple, thank you to Lynne, Edith and my husband Wayne for suggestions and support.

In closing, a reminder for me, the foolish person. I know that Amida Buddha is always there with me and for me.  He is with me and he will wait for me at my finish line, no matter how many detours I may take or bumpy roads I choose to travel.  As we have heard, the Nembutsu is not my call to the Buddha; but the Nembutsu is the Buddha calling me.

Thank you for this time.
Please join me with your hands together in reverence.  Namo Amida Butsu

Eshin-ni and Kakushin-ni Chair for Jodo Shinshu Studies

A primary purpose of the BWA is to support the propagation of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism throughout the world.  To implement this purpose, our  World Federation of BWAs is proposing to establish a Jodo Shinshu teaching position at the BCA’s Institute of Buddhist Studies in Berkely, California.  IBS has been vital in spreading Jodo Shinshu not only in the Americas (North and South), but also in Hawaii, Canada, Europe, and Japan, etc.

The GOAL is to raise three (3) million dollars with the interest earned yearly to be used to fund the teaching position of an instructor.  This position will be named for two individuals close to our hearts – The Eshin-ni and Kakushin-ni Endowed Chair for Jodo Shinshu Studies.

Each Jodo Shinshu Buddhist temple worldwide is being asked to support this project and the Hawaii Federation of BWAs is in favor of it.  Each temple’s goal is approximately $300.   The BWAs in Hawaii will spearhead this fundraising effort with all donations earmarked as coming from the entire temple membership.  Deadline is December 31, 2018.

Thanks to the hard work of many individuals, we have met Hawaii’s goal of $11,000.  As of January 15, 2019, we have raised $14,631 from 21 Temple and BWA groups.  Additional thanks goes to the Dharma School Teachers of Oahu and the Hawaii District Ministers Association.  If your temple/BWA missed the deadline and would still like to participate in this worthwhile project, contact your United BWA President for more information.

framed images of Kakushinni, left, and Eshinni, right, before the altar at Hawaii Betsuin
Images of Kakushinni, left, and Eshinni, right, at Hawaii Betsuin.

Make plans now for the HHMH Joint Conference (Sept. 2018) and BWA World Convention (2019)

We want to make sure you aware of these two significant opportunities to connect with extended Jodo Shinshu sangha.

HHMH Joint Conference

One is the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii’s first Joint Conference at the Ala Moana hotel in Honolulu from September 1 – 3, 2018. The conference will include the Lay Convention, the BWA Convention, the Minister’s Spouses’ organization, Jr. YBA, and Dharma School. Groups will hold their major conferences, and workshops will be open to everyone.

The theme of the conference is “Embrace Change – Harmony (Accept Differences)” and our keynote speaker will be Hawaii Attorney General Doug Chin, a national leader in the fight for civil rights. For more information, including registration details, please see our Joint Conference event page.

BWA World Convention

The 2019 World Federation Jodo Shinshu Hongwaji-ha Buddhist Women’s Associations Convention will take place Labor Day weekend, 2019 (August 30 – September 1, 2019) at the San Francisco Marriott Marquis Hotel. The theme is “Live the Nembutsu.” For more information, including an overview letter and a video, please see wbwconvention.org. We’ll also post more to our event page for the convention as the date gets closer.


Hawaii Buddhist Women’s Associations has a new Facebook page.  Look for it on our website’s homepage.  Click the “f” icon in the upper right portion of the screen.  We welcome current articles, photos, news, events.  Send information to the following for posting:  Federation (Tamayo Matsumoto, Lois Toyama); Honolulu United (Lois Toyama); Kauai United (Rev. Tomo Hojo); Big Island United (K.T. Cannon-Eger)